Wearable Experiments are a design focused wearable technology company.  Founded by Aussies Bille Whitehouse and Ben Moir, they came to prominence with their first product "Fundawear" - the world's first range of intimate garments that allow couples to simulate the sensation of personal touch remotely via touch input on a smartphone and sensors embedded in the garments. Created in partnership with Havas Worldwide for Durex, Fundawear generated interest from around the world, with their video receiving over 7million views and becoming the recipient of the Silver Lion Award for PR at the Cannes Festival of Creativity.

Several products have followed, but their latest is "Navigate" - A stylish jacket that allows the urban explorer to navigate themselves around a new city without having their attention focused on the screen of a smartphone, or a physical map.  It uses GPS and sensors in the jacket to provide the wearer with haptic feedback on whether to turn left, right or stop while travelling.

For more information on this innovative startup checkout their website.  http://wearableexperiments.com

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